Sunday, August 19, 2007

What I've Been Up To

Not that it really matters what I've been up to but, damn it, this is my blog and the whole purpose of a blog is to be a self-indulgent asshole, isn't it?

To that end, here's a list of what I've been up to and what's coming up:

  • Getting the Word Out -- I finally got in the boxes of Cashiers du Cinemart. I've been going through and making sure that everyone that should have gotten an issue has gotten one (or will soon). More than getting the issues physically out the door, I'm trying like mad to get a buzz going. I went through all applicable Yahoo Groups and Google Groups today and posted about it. I'm trying my best, too, to crack the "noir world" of writers who may enjoy the pieces I did on David Goodis and James Ellroy as well as the "geek chic" who may like the screeds on Superman and The Fantastic Four.
  • Subtitling -- I need to sit down and complete a few subtitling projects for films such as RUE BARBARE, DESERTED REEF, HIGH SCHOOL BIG PANIC, and more. I think I'm waiting for "bowling season" to start so I can sit down and work on these while Andrea is out, allowing me to forgo the headphones and pegging the volume.
  • Spanish Class -- My class at Schoolcraft College has finished up. I will be taking the follow-up in the winter. In the meantime, I continue to listen to Pimsleur's "Speak and Read Essential Spanish" every day on my way to and from work. I'm getting the itch to go back to Mexico soon to practice. If not that, at least I need to get over to Carlos' Restaurant in Westland.
  • A Wedding! -- I'm off to Chicago next weekend for a Bachelor event (not sure if I can call it a party as I'm not sure if there are any scantily clad ladies involved) for my long-time pal (and college roommate) Jeff Dunlap. Hoping to carpool with my other college roommate, Jonathan Higgins. The wedding is a few weeks away in Milburg, Michigan.
  • Toronto International Film Festival -- Between the Bachelor even and wedding, I'm driving over to TIFF for a week's worth of film. I'm excited to get my hands on the Press/Industry schedule to start planning out what flicks I'll be able to see and review right here on the blog while I'm there.
  • Dale Carnegie Management Course -- I managed to talk my boss into footing the bill for a Dale Carnegie course that I've been wanting to take for a while. At my last job, I wasn't deigned worthy enough to merit a Carnegie course. Running about four hours once a week for seven weeks. Sounds like it should be pretty intense but I definitely need it. Anything to make me a better manager!
  • "MCF" Event -- Some of the judges from MicroCineFest have been talking about getting together someplace to bullshit and watch movies on a comfortable couch. It'll be our own private MCF. As we're talking November, I just hope it's someplace warm.
  • Noircon -- I've been in touch with Lou Boxer of Goodiscon (see Janurary's entries) and he's asked me to come down to Philly for Noircon to moderate a panel on Nick Kazan and Howard Rodman's versions of "The Professional Man" (similar to the piece I wrote on Goodis in Cashiers du Cinemart #15). I'm pretty honored and look forward to that as a birthday present to myself in 2008 (the event starts at day after I turn 36).
  • Other Shite -- As I mentioned, I'm hoping for a Mexico trip soon. Vegas would be nice, too. I'm also hoping I can talk my way into judging at the Slamdance Film Festival again. <fingers crossed>

So, that's about all I've been up to outside of my day job. Not much, I know.


Sandra Ruttan said...

We'll have to make sure we have a birthday drink at NoirCon. Don't forget!

louisboxer said...

We will have a birthday cake in your honor in addition to your drink!


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